I received my first cranial sacral therapy treatment a week ago, and I have to admit that in some ways, I prefer it to massage. For the professional therapist, more advanced massage seminars offer training and education in pain and stress management, as well as in-depth instruction in medical massage, cross-fiber technique, Trager therapy, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, seated massage, among others.
While it would be best to be treated with CST by a fully qualified therapist, should you suffer from chronic pain related to your craniosacral therapy techniques spine or skull, there is a CST technique you can try at home on your own to reset the rhythm of your craniosacral system.
Healthy sexual functioning involves adequate neural signals from the central nervous system and an optimum balance within the autonomic nervous system, fluctuating between the stress response (activation of the sympathetic nervous system) and the relaxation response (activation of the parasympathetic nervous system).
Even if you practice massage therapy in a state that does not require Continuing Education, it is important to continually be challenging yourself, learning more about your profession and, ultimately, becoming more successful in healing others through the power of touch.
The idea that craniosacral therapy increases the circulation of cerebrospinal spinal fluid is transparently riffing on a much more quotidian myth about massage: the belief that it meaningfully increases the circulation of blood, and that this is one of the main mechanisms of helping patients.
Craniosacral therapy allows the brain to drop down to a Delta level state—the slowest of all brain wave patterns—as this is where healing and rebooting of the nervous system may occur—resulting in feeling deeply relaxed at the end of a treatment session.
As a polarity therapist, you can also work in conjunction with a sex therapist, providing insight into the emotional and energetic underpinnings and assisting the client to open up enough in your sessions so that he or she can bring that newly uncovered material into a psychotherapy session for greater illumination.
So, researchers compared the diagnostics methods of two registered osteopaths, both with postgraduate training in diagnosis and treatment, using cranial techniques, palpated 11 normal healthy subjects.” Unfortunately, they couldn't agree on much: interexaminer reliability for simultaneous palpation at the head and the sacrum was poor to nonexistent.” Emphasis mine.
By using the hands as fine discriminating tools, Craniosacral therapists are able to detect disturbances in the cranial sacral rhythm to help them identify areas of dysfunction, such as cranial, sutural, membrane and other soft tissue restrictions in the body.
The primary outcome was an average pain intensity during the last 7 days, recorded on a 100-mm VAS at week 8. 31 Secondary outcomes were pain on movement, pressure pain sensitivity, neck pain-related disability, health-related quality of life, well-being, anxiety and depression, stress perception, pain acceptance, body awareness, patients' global impression of improvement, and safety.
As Dr. Upledger's reputation garnered attention worldwide and the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy became widely accepted, the Upledger clinic attracted patients from celebrities like Brooke Shields to professional athletes such as multiple Olympic medalist Mary Ellen Clark to high profile cases such as the 2-year-old Egyptian twin boys who were born joined at the top of their heads.
After this course, you will fully be able to declare that you integrate and practice CranioSacral therapy techniques within the scope of your work (massage, yoga, etc.) And, you will have a much better idea if you are drawn to pursue CST certification in the future.