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Optometrist In Canonsburg, PA

In addition to eye exams, glasses, and contacts, our procedures include Lasik, Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma, Diabetic Eye Disease, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration, Eye Doctor Canonsburg Dry Eye Syndrome, Capsulotomy, Trabeculoplasty, Iridotomy, Intraocular lenses (IOLs), and Aesthetic Treatments from our expert oculoplastic surgeon.
Using this data, we can detect when doctors perform certain procedures more frequently than similar providers. Our one-on-one approach to optometry makes the DeConcilis Eye and Vision Center staff the eye and vision care providers of choice in the Canonsburg area.

Dr. Deconcilis is affiliated with Deconcilis Eye & Vision Center in Canonsburg. Dr. Seraly and our team are dedicated to keeping our patients comfortable and well-informed at all times. Optometrists will often be termed eye doctors. Active license number of Dr. Robert J Hanak is OEG000597 for Optometry in Pennsylvania.
Optometrists may also provide a wide range of eye care services such as routine exams and Lasik eye surgery. Seraly Eye Care Associates is a full service eye and vision care provider and will take both eye emergencies as well as scheduled appointments. Advanced Vision Care has been a leading provider of optometry services and vision care products in the Bethel Park community since 1976, and we want to help you achieve and maintain clear vision for years to come.
This graph represents payments Dr. Hanak received relative to the average payment received by similar doctors. This data contains detailed records about payments and other transfers of value from pharmaceutical and medical device companies to doctors. Dr. Landy then attended the Illinois College of Optomerty in Chicago, IL with internships in Denver, CO, Akron, OH, and Leesburg, FL. He received his Doctor of Optometry degree in May, 2010.

Our doctors have expertise in Advanced Cataract Surgery, Laser Vision Correction (LASIK and PRK), Glaucoma diagnosis and treatment, Macular Degeneration diagnosis and treatment, Dry Eye diagnosis and treatment, and and Diabetic eye care. Dr. Kent is our family eye doctor.
Dr. Mondzelewski's residency in ophthalmology was performed at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Eye and Ear Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, where he also completed a Glaucoma Fellowship in 1980. Our McMurray optometrist offers the following services: complete eye exams, contact lenses, glasses, glaucoma testing, and pre- and post-operative care.

This section shows the list of practices and hospitals that Dr. Deconcilis practices in. Note that the list may include past affiliations to help patients find their providers. Dr. Marty Matus is the chief optometrist and owner of Martin Optical Eyecare. Additionally, at DeConcilis Eye and Vision Center, we offer vision financing options and will work with vision insurance providers to ensure good eye health and vision care for all of our patients.
Currently, she works in Canonsburg (PA) at the Deconcilis Eye And Vision Center, PC. Martin Optical Eyecare is a full service eye and vision care provider, accepting both eye emergencies as well as scheduled appointments. Techniques can help you deal with many widespread eye issues, acting as your comprehensive vision treatment service provider.

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