Learn Sujok Acupuncture & Acupressure Therapy 4 U & UR Family or Take it as UR Career. Some medical scientists think the difference of Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine is that Chinese traditional medicine is based on an obscure theory, especially based on the ancient pure philosophy and long practice experience, but the western medicine is based on clear calculation as modern anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and so on.
Unlike drugs prescribed in a conventional medical treatment which primarily aims at suppressing the symptoms, homeopathic medicines stimulate and reinforce the body's natural defenses to facilitate healing by removing the underlying causes of disease.
Our Physiotherapy Center in Gurgaon is operated by a registered super specialized physiotherapist and we only employ trained registered professional physiotherapists. She has also done her Certified Teacher in Clinical Hypnotherapy in the year 2016 from California Hypnosis Institute of India, Mumbai.
Along with the modern research on Chinese traditional medicine, there are more and more western people begin to learn it, accept it and believe it is an effective medical science. Acupuncture is a practice that deals with the usage of needles to puncture designated areas of the body.
High Success Rate of our 3 Point” Protocols: 95% of those patients rating rated themselves above 8 out of 10 in the improvement of pain and lifestyle after coming to our clinic. Whilst accepting that all medical treatment is more effective if the doctor is trusted by the patient, this trust is not a prerequisite for the physiological changes that occur during and after acupuncture.
With Pal Physiotherapy, Dr. Pal had a mission to provide the best physical therapy coupled with holistic care for his patients. Sometimes acupressure in gurgaon a patient may experience a temporary worsening of symptoms due to acupuncture; this is a response to treatment and is a good sign.
She has also done her Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy in the year 2002 from California Hypnosis Institute of India, Mumbai. The purpose of the course is to foster self-directed learning and critical thinking skills within the framework of traditional Chinese medicine, with the aim of broadening natural healing skills in the practitioner for the purpose of patient care.
It provides comprehensive Healthcare India services, and has acquired the status of a premier medical institution. Initially she was given daily treatment for 20 days, during which time she totally stopped all her medication and had substantial pain relief. We are also providing physiotherapy services at home under best physiotherapist in Gurgaon.